Comfortable attire that allows for free range of motion.
Although flexibility is one of the benefits of yoga, you do not need to be flexible to practice yoga. In fact, yoga promotes flexibility! Yoga lengthens and expands muscles while helping you release toxins that build up.

However, the ultimate goal is to align your body, mind, and soul; the gain happens regardless of whether or not you can touch your toes.
Yoga has a mantra, " where you are is exactly where you're suppose to be ".

Everyone responds differently to yoga. Embrace where you are in your yoga practice and let go of expectations. Yoga is a life long pursuit, so enjoy the ride :) 
For start, I welcome you on your journey of exploring yoga!

A successful practice requires discipline, consistency, and commitment. Develop the spirit of repetition and dedication in your yoga practice, and you will see results.

A practice of 2-3 days per week, if consistent, will create transformation over time. Additionally, if looking to incorporate yoga into a daily practice, only 7 minutes of meditation, and/or 10-20 minutes of stretching/light yoga flow can soothe your body, mind, and soul. 

It is common for instructors to end a class with this ancient, traditional phrase. The gesture of communicating 'Namaste', is an acknowledgement of one soul to another.

"Nama" means bow. "As" means I. "Te" means you. Meaning, bow me you or I bow to you. This gesture is a deep form of respect and a way of sealing your practice and hard work at the end of a class.  
The practice of yoga is the practice of fully uniting the body, mind, and spirit. 
Yes; a physical disability doesn't mean physical inactive.

Regardless of anyone's physical condition, there is meditation, breathing, concentration, and mindfulness exercises. However, each pose can be modified ( seated, props, etc. ) and adapted to meet the needs of the student.
There is street parking on Elm Street, Depot Street, and Old Granite Street, and also a city surface parking lots down at the bottom of Depot St. The meters on Depot Street only take quarters, but the city surface lot takes credit cards.
Cancellation Policy
36 hour noticed is required when cancelling personal yoga lessons. 24 hour notice is required when cancelling group yoga class. If this notice period is not given without the cancellation window as stated above, a full charge will apply and booking will be treated as a last minute class cancellation.
Liability Waiver
New students will have a new student registration packet, including a liability waiver prior to participating in Yoga with Monica services. This is to ensure safety and understanding of studio activity.